Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Passion of the Chist

So I just watched The Passion of the Christ. It has been almost four years since I last saw it and wow. All I could do was sit there and cringe. I already knew what was going to happen because I have read the Bible, but also seeing the movie helped me know when to plug my ears and turn away because I could not bear to watch. All that I could think was how could people be so inhumane as to let something so horrible happen. I mean they beat him until he was unrecognizable and then forced him to carry his cross WHILE THEY BEAT HIM MORE!!! I just wanted to get up and scream at them to stop, when it hit me. They were doing that because of me. Now this was almost like I had heard it for the first time. He was going through this for me, for all the times I had totally screwed up and disobeyed. It was hurt me in my heart to think that I was that inhumane to let something like that happen in the first time and then to continue to let it happen as I continue to sin. GOD: help me to stop, make it my desire to do nothing but please you. That is what I want but I struggle sometimes.

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