Sunday, October 18, 2009


Busy weekend, Thursday and Friday were crazy busy with getting the house ready for my siblings to come visit. That involved me preparing my small room for other people to stay in it. Now with me living at home there is not alot of space for my things, thus the 75 bucks a month I am paying for a storage unit. Now it has been getting cold and I have been wearing flip flops in the cold, but that time had come to an end. I took my brother to help me get warmer clothes, shoes and coats. We drove all the way there and I forgot my keys, so we drove back (total 80 minutes home-unit-home-unit-home drive time) to get the keys and searched through tons of boxes (in the dark) to find warmth! I love him! it was so funny!!!! finally found the stuff and brought it home. so I spend friday taking out summer clothes and putting in winter stuff. Well since the others were coming in Friday night we had to take the summer stuff to the storage unit that evening, so making sure we had the keys we went, and as we were walking out the door mom wanted us to pick up some things at the store and dad wanted us to pick up something from church. So we were off. Got everything we needed and were almost back home when mom remembered she needed velveta. well we were close to a gas station and thought we would save time and go there. we searched and searched but they didn't have it. so we had to run to a store (translate10 minute drive, one way! after the 40 minutes round trip that we had almost made for the original trip) well by this time I had to PEE, and BAD! so he went to find the cheese and I went to the restroom. finally releived I set out to find him (no reception in the store) I see him walking down the aisles looking lost, so I start looking for the cheese. They keep it in the refrigerated section! who does that??? oh well. so I am now looking for my brother again and as I walk to the front of the store I see him, WALKING OUT THE DOOR! hello!!! I am still here!!!
haha so we find each other and get in the car to head home. we did beat my siblings back but just by a few minutes! haha. so much for a quick trip to the storage unit! Anyway today is my older-younger brother's birthday! but since we can't spend the day with him today we celebrated yesterday! woo hoo! happy day to him! ok well it's off to Sunday School I go! TTYL!

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