Tuesday, November 3, 2009

When it Rains it Pours!

OK sooooo much has happened since I last was on. I decided I was going to live with mom and dad for a while and get a job in the area to keep up with the bills. So I went out to get applications in to different places until I heard from the 2 places I was really interested in for full time work. So to make a looooong story short I now have 2 confirmed jobs! I am going to be a toddler teacher at a day-care and working at a purse store part time! so we will see if it continues to work out! I am just sooo thankful that God has provided! He is awesome! I have also discovered my city more and wondered just why I didn't do this more before I moved? It's a great City and I am loving living here! NE way I have not been able to read so much since I have been looking for work and all but it's been ok. I'm excited for my favorite shows tonight! NCIS, and NCIS:LA! AWESOME!

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