Sunday, March 2, 2008

Crazy Dayz

Today was a little hectic. I taught in three services today which was more than normal. I usually teach maybe one and then float through the others but today was different. I love teaching and really miss it but it seems that I either get all or nothing! So teaching the classes was fun and I think the kids really enjoyed it. That is how I know I am succeding if they learn something and have fun then i have done my job. I also worked in the nursery tonight and I got to hold a baby! I love babies!!! God's little mericles and it just makes me smile and pray that someday I will have my own! I am all packed and ready to go 3:30 I will be leaving to fly home for a couple of days! I am sooooooo psyched!!! seeing the fam and friends will be more of a recharge than the conference I think! Well i should probably get off here so I can get some sleep! ttyl!

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