Wednesday, March 5, 2008

On my way back

Well I am sad. I am sitting in the airport ready to head back to my house. I have spent the past couple days in Ohio visiting my family, and friends, and going to a conference. I was just what I needed and I am so not ready to leave. I got in Monday and spent part of the day at the hospital with a family who's little boy was having open heart surgery. He is doing fine, and should continue to recover quickly! Praise the Lord!!! Then I went home and mom and I went shopping and spent the evening fixing a pair of pants. Early on Tuesday we went to the conference and I got there early enough to go to the radio station and see my old boss and chat with her. Then at the conference I saw many of the people I have worked with in churches through my years of school. I missed them all and they really had alot of good advice to help me in my new position. Then came the hard pert. I had to go back to the station to see some more people, the hard part was that my ex was going to be there and we havn't talked since we broke up. I was not looking foward to seeing him but I was not going to let that stop me from seeing my friends. I got up my courage and went into the room to say a quick hello and while everyone said hi, he kept his back to me. He didn't even have the guts to turn around and look me in the eye. It's kinda weird because I was so worried about how I would react when I had to see him and then didn't even get the oppertunity to because he is a big chicken. Ha ha. Well I guess that has really given me some confidence I feel like I can take on anything, and come out on top because I have God on my side and He has AMAZING plans for me. I know that He is going to work it all out and I won't have to worry about someone loving me more than I ever dreamed. I am excited to see how life plays out. So then I went out for dinner with my fam, and then had desert with Lyndsay and Rachel! I have missed those girls so much and it was great spending time with them! Lyndsay came back to my house and then this morning she had to leave and I went to the airport where I am waiting for my flight! it's been a great few days and I guess it's time to go back. I have missed my church family and it will be nice to see them all again. I hope I get this oppertunity again. so I'm going to grab a blended cream from starbucks, so I'l TTYL!
Miss Manda

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