Tuesday, October 13, 2009

swelling up!

So living at home has it's advantages, I mean free rent, no utilities, no food expenses really. It's kinda nice. No don't get me wrong there are disadvantages as well, i mean losing some privacy and having everything i do questioned is not the best thing, but I deal with it! I have tried to help out as much as I can. My most recent opportunity of helping resulted in injury! I was assisting my dad in installing a window in his and my mom's room. I was in the house and there was a bee in the room. Now I had gloves on and I tried to encourage the bee out of the open window as to in the end save it's life! But this bee saw this as a threat so it decided to sting me, through my glove!!! So I took off the glove and tried to find the stinger to get it out. I couldn't find it so I went outside to get my mom to look and see if she could find the stinger. By the time I got to her my thumb, finger and part of my palm had swollen. I now know I am allergic to bees! yippee! My swelling has gone down slightly but it is stiff and aches. Typing is not a breeze let me tell you that!
Oh and book of the week The Whitney Chronicles by Judy Baer It was really GOOD!!!

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