Thursday, November 1, 2012

30 days of Thankfullness

Today was a slow day at work. It was kinda one of those "everyone was in sugar coma" from their kids candy! This starts my favorite two months of the entire year! I LOVE Thanksgiving and Christmas! I have been listening to my music since the beginning of October and I think a local station starts playing non stop tomorrow! MAKES ME HAPPY!!!!! People ask me why I skip over Thanksgiving and give me all kinds of greif! I don't skip Thanksgiving, they just don't have the good music or decorations so I try and think of them as a 2 month Holiday and I LOVE IT! Thanksgiving is a time to remember what we are thankful for, so why press it down to just one day? I spread it out (I try to make sure I am thankful all year). God has blessed me with so much I have a hard time trying to remember sometimes that it is not natural for everyone to be this blessed! He is my most awesome God and I want to make sure I thank him EVERY DAY this month! So Day one of Thankfulness is for my Job!
I work in a call center as a Travel Agent. I believe this job is a gift from God. I was looking for ANYTHING and he literaly laid this in my lap (in the form of a newspaper ad!) I have been doing it for 2 years now and it has given me so many different oppertunities, and experience for my future dream! I know that having a job is a blessing, but having a job with a good boss and where you get great benefits is just overwhelming. "God please help me to remember to thank you even when things at work get crazy! Help me to show your love to the people I work with, both customers and coworkers!" Amen!

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