Friday, November 2, 2012

Thankful day 2

So today started off not so great. I got up headed out to be at work by 8am! I walked in and was informed that I had switched someone schedules and took the late shift (11a) and didn't write it down! GRRRR! I tried to find something to really be thankful for today and was just going to pick something "random" (not that I'm not thankful for the "random" things this is just relative to today!) So my thing I realized I was thankful for today was Humor!
Today I read a Laffy Taffy Joke and it made me laugh so hard!
Q. What bear has no teeth?

So I started looking for more jokes online, here are some of my favorites!

Q. What do you call four Mexicans in quicksand?
A. Quatro Sinko!
Q. Where does the General keep his Armies?
A. In his Slevies!
Q. What is Brown and Sticky?
A. A Stick!
Q. Why is the Tomato blushing?
A. He saw the Salad Dressing!
Last one!
Q. What do you call a Lazy Baby Kangaroo?
A. A Pouch Potato!
Hope you enjoy the little bit of Laughter! I am thankful for a sense of Humor, Laughing and just pure fun! Thank God for Fun!

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