Sunday, November 4, 2012

Thankful day 3

Ok so it's after midnight. Technically I'm late, but with the time change I'll consider myself ok! Today I am thankful for those working behind the scenes. I learned that my cousin an her husband have been out in NJ helping with the cleanup. They have a food truck and they are there to help feed the workers. I have another friend whose husband is a utility worker. He is working overtime to help get the power up. I wen to see Wreck It Ralph tonight. (Great Movie!) It was a reminder that we all have a part and even if we think we don't matter, if we give up it causes all kinds of problems! We often think about the ones who are "working", or the "heroes"who get the major attention, but think about the ones who make it possible for them to work! Those who give up just as much for little to no thanks! So thank you to all who serve, big or small, known or unknown, in an emergency or every day. What you do is important and I thank you!

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