Saturday, March 15, 2008

I knew it would happen

Well as much as I didn't want to think about it I knew it would happen. Moving far away from home was the only real drawback about this job. I knew that this is where God wanted me so I followed His calling and moved here. But this morning I really wished I owned a transporter. I got a call that my dad's uncle passed away last night. I know that doesn't sound like that big of a deal but I am VERY close to my family. Even though I was not really close to him I was close to his family and they are very close to my grandparents. They lived right in front of my grandparents so many times we would see them whenever we visited Grandma and Grandpa. I remember summers visiting grandma and grandpa and then all of us walking down to visit Frances and Alvan. We played with their grandchildren and were a big happy family. Now I live 6 hours away and work and don't know if I can make it back for the funeral. This stinks! I want to be there for my family and that just might not be doable. God has me here for a reason and I am trusting Him but the sooner that He can get someone to create a transporter the better!

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