Monday, March 10, 2008

today the adjective is frustrating

so I had some things to do today and it was just a little more discouraging than I thought. Today was my appointment with the ministerial board. I have done this before on my old district but today was the first time with my new district. I was just a little nervous and almost was late. I finally made it there and waited as they were running way behind schedule. When I got in there it was enough to make me crazy, it didn't matter what I said they didn't think it was enough. I really felt like nothing was enough and in the end although they licensed me for another year they made it very clear that I needed to have a better interview next year. Part of me knows they are right, while the other part is discouraged. I need to get stronger and more confident in my answers and me knowledge but I really wish they would be a little more understanding and a little less textbook driven. Then I went back to the church and played IT girl on 3 CRAZY SLOW computers. I think that it should be mandatory that each computer be automatically upgraded every 2 years. It's stupid even dealing with a computer older than that because they are so slow. oh well that is how life goes! Hey one of my faves had a miracle happen today! WNZR met it's goal for Lifeline 2008! if ya want to check it out go here: WNZR. I know that I am no longer there I really believe in the ministry of the station. It is a strong ministry and really makes a difference in the lives of the families of Knox county as well as a difference in the lives of the students that learn there. I thank God that He gave me the oppertunity to be there and that He has given me the chance to minister here in my new home! okey dokey! ttfn!
miss. manda

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yesterday was a frustrating day over all!!! i'm glad i'm not the only one. i got the run around when i was trying to find out info AND i received yet another letter from mvnu saying that i have not passed my praxis yet. Really? i haven't? i didn't know that. so that put me in a very encouraging mood.
thanks for your comment it made me feel all better! :)
oh i forgot to tell you - so the day that i left your house i ended up stopping by the lodi outlets for a bit then i headed home. when i was 20 mins away from home i blew a tire! and it took a tow truck 2 hours to get there and then another hour to get home. i finally arrived at home at 1:30 in the morn. it was one crazy long night. but i did find ways to entertain myself.
no worries about your board meeting. i know that you are supposed to be where you are. when ever you talk about your job or anything that is going on you instantly light up!!
i really need to go visit you! the only bad thing is that i have to wait until i have some kind of income because i'm really really low on the doe right now. hopefully in 2 weeks i can start working. we shall see though!!!
it was amazingly great to see you!!!!
missing and loving my lil chicago hobbit!! :)